Employment Stable in February Amid Looming Trade War

Canadian Economics    March 7, 2025

Canada’s labour market encountered significant challenges in 2024, characterized by a gradual slowdown. Employment rose by just 1.6 per cent — well below the rate of population growth. Nevertheless, job gains have been positive over the past seven months, and employment growth began to regain momentum in November.

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Maxime Arseneau

Trade Partner Profile: The European Union

Canadian Economics    March 3, 2025

Overall, trade between Canada and the European Union is already strong, and there is lots to build on as Canada enters a changing world. Canada sells many of its resources to Europe, and the bloc’s imports indicates there is even more room for Canadian exports to gain market share.

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CBoC Economics Team

Economy Sees Better End to the Year

Canadian Economics    February 28, 2025

The Canadian economy finished the year on a positive note. The Bank of Canda has cut interest rates by 200 basis points since June, which helped to spur an increase in spending and housing activity in the fourth quarter. The labour market has also showed signs of turning around in recent months, with stronger job gains than anticipated since November.

Quick take  •  3-min read
Viktor Cicman

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