Toronto skyline

Real GDP Rises in July, but Third Quarter Still Expected to be Weak

Canadian Economics    September 27, 2024

Today’s release of GDP estimates indicates that Canada’s economy manages to attain growth despite the negative impact from wildfires. However, the overall picture is far from rosy. The Canadian economy showed no growth in June, and advanced estimates reveal that real GDP was unchanged for August.

Quick take  •  3-min read
Viktor Cicman

Canadian Consumers are Regaining Confidence

Canadian Economics    September 25, 2024

The September survey results indicate that Canadians are less stressed regarding their present financial situation. The latest key interest rate cuts by the Bank of Canada are boosting the households’ confidence regarding their current finances, although there are still some consumers that continue to worry about their future financial situation.

Quick take  •  3-min read
Loubna Zebiri

August CPI Growth Decelerated to Slowest Pace since February 2021

Canadian Economics    September 17, 2024

The growth of Canada’s CPI reached 2.0 per cent year-over-year in August, hitting the Bank of Canada’s target. The milestone highlights the progress made in bringing the pace of price growth down after it peaked at 8.1 per cent (y/y) in June 2022. Lower gasoline prices were the primary driver of the deceleration in August.

Quick take  •  2-min read
Kiefer Van Mulligen

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