Aerospace Products Lifted Manufacturing Sales in May

Canadian Economics    July 15, 2024

Building on a gain in April, Canadian manufacturing sales increased slightly in May. Sales of aerospace products were a key contributor to month-over-month growth, reaching their highest nominal level on record.

Quick take  •  2-min read
Kiefer Van Mulligen

Trade Deficit Widens to $1.9 Billion in May

Canadian Economics    July 3, 2024

Exports of metal and non-metallic mineral products posted a sharper decline than all other product categories. Specifically, exports of unwrought gold, silver, platinum group metals, and their alloys decreased by 17.1 percent. The value of unwrought gold exports has shown significant monthly fluctuations due to changes in volumes and prices.

Quick take  •  2-min read
David Ristovski

Toronto skyline

Canada’s Economy Continues Growing

Canadian Economics    June 28, 2024

Real GDP in Canada rose by 0.3 per cent month-over-month in April, starting the second quarter on a positive note. Many sectors rebounded after decelerating in the previous two months, and still have room to expand through the remainder of 2024.

Quick take  •  3-min read
Viktor Cicman

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